gender bound: lessons from the world between


  1. Mike Bernos says:

    Dr. Judi Herring’s TED talk on gender complexity open my eyes to a much larger spectrum than I had been working with. She has begun a important discussion of the rich and unchartered ground between the traditional poles of human sexuality.

  2. a n n e Goldbauer says:

    Excellent translation in describing the human being who doesn’t fit the normal standards assigned at birth. This is a body of work which calls for us to look within ourselves, calls us to ascribe to who we are rather than the assignments we were given upon arriving into the world based on our genitalia. The “what if my genitalia are ambiguous” question should be replaced with “my genitalia do not define who I am”. Our gender identities are as diverse as we are unique individuals. Thank you Dr. Herring in insisting we “STOP GENDERING” our children or perhaps it would be best stated as “MISGENDERING” our children. Our children are up against societal pressures – which call for them to live by the script – assigned to them at birth. Our children should be liberated from these scripts to live as honestly and openly as the individuals they are throughout life. The shaming of children who do not align with their gender assignments must stop. The labeling must come from within and not be a stamped identity rendered at birth. Thank you Dr. Herring for this insightful lesson you impart so gracefully and spoken so earnestly and gently from the heart; from your own experience as a Urologist in welcoming all genders into the world. a n n e Goldbauer

  3. Judi Herring says:

    Thanks Mike Bernos and a n n e Goldbauer for your affirming feedback and contributions as we all explore the uncharted ground where I’m sure we’ll discover the very best that humanity holds. Peace.

  4. Kathryn Kreyenbuhl-Gardner says:

    Wonderful discussion of the gender continuum. Absolutely wonderful, and I highly recommend this talk to everyone. Hopefully, very soon, these horror stories of genital mutilation will be remnants of a bygone era. This is a topical issue with a multitude of consequences, not just for the 1 in 2000 individuals born intersexed, but for all of us bound by an arbitrary system of polar norms maintaining a status that is no longer necessary or pertinent–doing more harm than help. Great stage presence as well!! ❤️❤️

  5. Time is on love’s side. | Shifting Parallax says:

    […] than older people to view gender as fluid and unconstrained by traditional male / female boxes and life-tracks. For that reason, I celebrate the new millennial majority and look forward to the inevitable […]

  6. Michelle Mabelle says:

    Judi, you are obviously an enlightened being. Your way of expressing the mystery of life is truly a pleasure to listen to. We are consciousness, embodiment is one aspect of our life, our mind colors our existence, we need to respect this uniqueness and remove the hurdles to blooming. I have only recently started to accept the fact that I am transgender and I agree this is just a box. So many boxes: job title, age etc.. It has taken me years to deal with these gender boxes. I’m just starting to understand what you are talking about. I spent a long time studying non duality but I’m only beginning to embody this truth about gender. I understand more and more how conditionned we are by society and how rigid these gender boxes are. LGBT people are fighting for their freedom but are fighting for the freedom of all at the same time. For love and peace.
    Just wanted to encourage you to continue to spread this talk wherever possible because it is VITAL to our happiness.

    • Judi Herring says:

      Thanks for the feedback, Michelle. Your words are both poetic and reassuring! I really appreciate the encouragement. Sharing this video can feel a little intrusive at times as people are busy and have information overload. That said, working toward the goal of transforming the prevailing cultural mindset such that the right to self-determination is experienced intuitively and naturally is so important, I feel compelled to spread as rapidly as possible.

      Your encouragement reinforces my sense of urgency and tells me that it’s time to become comfortable with intruding and disrupting outdated paradigms. Thank you for connecting. I hope 2015 is unfolding beautifully for you! Peace.